Who Are You Serving?

After midnight, Li Yu and her husband also followed the two of them to the Wang family's cellar. Seeing the nervous and excited Zhou Jia bend down and enter the cellar, she chuckled and patted him. "Xiao Xi, don't we look like thieves robbing the rich to help the poor?"

Zhou Jia looked at Li Yu, who was only showing her eyes, and then at himself. He nodded nervously and excitedly. "Yes! It really looks like that."

Li Yu was overjoyed when she heard that. When she touched the chestnut rice in those sacks, Li Yu suddenly thought of the chestnut rice she had touched in the Qi camp. Her mood at that time was really indescribable. She slapped herself and kept shaking her head. Why didn't she react in time and burned them all? She could have taken some into the space! It was really a waste of treasure!

When Zhou Jia and the other two heard the sound, they looked at Li Yu in surprise. "Madam, what's wrong?"

"Hehe! Bugs bit me."