
After Zhou Jia bade farewell to everyone, Wu Tingxian said to those who came for the send-off, "Everyone, make way so that they don't miss the auspicious time." Everyone retreated to both sides of the road.

Ruyi hugged Ji Xiang and said, "Have a safe trip and be vigilant on the way."

Ji Xiang said reluctantly, "Got it. Come to the capital early to reunite."

Zhou Jia returned to the carriage. Ruyi and Xiaoyu carried Seven Pounds and bowed to the two of them. They watched as the carriage slowly started and ran.


Li Qing and the Four Seas Bank's convoy arrived in the capital before the new year and lived in the house bestowed by the emperor. More than ten days ago, the person from the bank who came to the Zhou family to deliver the new year gift told Ah Qing that Li Yu and the others were going to enter the capital after the new year. Li Qing was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly told Zhao Cai the news.