
The news of Li Qing moving reached Li Fengqi's ears. Li Fengqi went home angrily and said to Laidi, "The people in the posthouse are saying that your cousin held a moving banquet two days ago. Why didn't Ah Qing invite you?"

Laidi looked at Li Fengqi's angry expression and lowered her head, not daring to look at him. "I don't know either. I was probably too busy to remember!"

Li Fengqi recalled that he had been wandering around the capital these days and the explanations on the exam questions he had bought were only superficial. Thinking of this, he could only endure it. He looked at Laidi and said gently, "Ah Qing's moving banquet has been held. Cousin should be free. Go and ask her today. Tell her well that we don't need your Cousin-in-law to take the time to guide me. We just need to borrow his notes and insights."

When Laidi heard this, her heart was filled with bitterness. She nodded and went out to take a carriage to the Zhou family.