Mother's Strength

Li Yu turned to the head of the bed and muttered to herself about the jade gourd. She took out the Golden Injury Medicine that Mr. Wen had concocted, pills, a dagger, gauze, and rope from her space. She fed the medicine to her first, then poured the wine into a bowl and lit it. After that, she placed the dagger on it to disinfect it.

After everything was ready, Li Yu turned around and took out a handkerchief to fold. She looked at Liu Yulian and said in an encouraging tone, "Bite the handkerchief. I'll tie you to the bed. It will hurt this time. You might not be able to take it."

"Okay," Liu Yulian agreed docilely.

Li Yu tied Liu Yulian to the wooden bed and gouged out the rotten flesh on her feet. Liu Yulian trembled and fainted without a word.