Marry, Marry

Li Yu and Zhou Jia carried Yangyang to bed and slept. They smiled and told Zhou Jia about Seven Pounds' decision to learn medicine.

When Zhou Jia heard this, he smiled and said, "This child is the same as Ruyi. He has a plan. It's good that he wants to learn medicine! It's a pity that Sir doesn't have a successor with his exquisite medical skills."

Li Yu thought for a moment and asked curiously, "I remember that Sir took in a disciple! Why haven't I heard Sir mention your senior brother in the past few years? Is there a reason?"

Zhou Jia smiled and said, "You know that Sir is indifferent. When he was practicing medicine, he often taught those commoners to recognize medicinal herbs. His two disciples were also medicine children that he took in. They didn't officially acknowledge him as their master.