Easier to Bear a Grudge than to Remember a Kindness

When the father and son went in, Zhang Guisheng took a look. There were a few snoring men on the main bed. A nauseating stench of feet and sweat assaulted his nose.

Zhang Guisheng pulled Zhang Defa outside and whispered, "Father, let's go to East Main Street tomorrow and see if we can find the Zhou family. We'll get some silver to treat my leg and find a private school to sit in. As we earn money, we'll prepare for the imperial examination."

Zhang De felt that this was the only way. "Alright, I'll accompany you tomorrow morning."

The father and son discussed what to do after finding the Zhou family outside before going to bed.


After Li Yu's family returned from Lin County, Granny Chen took a letter and handed a small cloth bag to Li Yu. "Madam, the caravan from Tongzhou brought it to you. I heard from the escort that a family with the surname Hu asked me to bring it here."