Chu Yao

Lin Sen looked at him and pointed at Granny Yue angrily. "Father, you don't believe me every time. You only believe this bad old woman. Do you know that she even stabbed me with a needle? It's useless for me to complain. You won't believe me."

Lin Sen pulled up the sleeve and pointed at the subtle marks on his arm. "She stabbed me previously."

When Mr. Lin heard Lin Sen's accusation, he was filled with regret. He was so angry that he kicked Granny Yue and shouted, "Drag her away and search her room. Chase her out of the Lin family."

The servant dragged Granny Yue away. Soon, he came out with a pile of things and a bag of silver. He said to Father Lin, "Master, these were all found in Granny Yue's room."

Mr. Lin saw various precious items and things left behind by Lin Sen's mother.

Mr. Lin looked at Lin Sen apologetically. He didn't know how many times Ah Sen had suffered under her hands all these years. No wonder he had always been so thin.