Reconnecting Broken Bones

Shen Zhong turned around and looked at the sallow and thin women surrounding Imperial Physician Xu. He said to Li Yu, "Madam Li, don't worry. I'll get someone to pay attention to them. Besides, it will take some time to draw the bandits they remember."

Li Yu nodded and said, "I'll thank the two of you on their behalf."

After Imperial Physician Xu took a look at them, he realized that their bodies were very deficient. Moreover, all of them were seriously ill. If they were not treated in time, it would greatly affect their lives.

Looking at these pitiful women and two girls who were only in their teens, Imperial Physician Xu felt pity for them.

Fortunately, when His Majesty sent them over, the Empress Dowager found out and said that these women's bodies would definitely be deficient and there would be all kinds of illnesses. She instructed them to bring enough medicinal herbs.