Return to the Capital

Seeing that he had remembered it, Li Yu nodded in relief. "Alright, live well with Wanwan. Your brother-in-law is very busy in the Ministry of Revenue and can't take care of the house. I'm also worried about Yue'er and Xing'er at home. Seeing that you're fine, I'm relieved. I'll set off in two days."

Li Qing looked at Li Yu reluctantly. "I knew it. You'll leave in two days at most."

Li Yu laughed when she heard that. "That's right! I was worried about you when I didn't see you. When I don't see your brother-in-law, Yang'er, and the others, I get worried about them. I'm naturally a worrier."

"Sister, I remember that you used to say that you liked to look around. When Yang'er and the others are older and Brother-in-law is not busy anymore, you can go out with him to take a look and play around."