Chapter 050. Token

 Lan Ling was utterly flustered. She looked at Mo Qian in a sorry state, her eyes filled with tears. She shook her head and denied it in a hurry, "This ... This doesn't mean anything, brother Qian? Don't you believe me? I don't know what drunken dream is!"

 Zhuang Xian returned to her senses and looked at Lan Ling sarcastically. "You're really stubborn! They've already stuffed the evidence into your mouth, and you will still not admit it?"

 "What do I admit? I didn't do anything! What kind of evidence is this? In this video, I never said that I had anything to do with a drunken dream, and you can't tell I was the one who brought drunken dream in! Don't you dare frame me!"

 Lan Ling shouted as if Zhuang Xian had pinched her tail. But because of her lack of confidence, her voice broke in the middle.