Chapter 054. Conspiracy And Plot

  After a few glances, Zhuang Xian had a general idea of what they were talking about. She thought for a moment and said to Li Qin, "They chose to post it at this time because they wanted to use the late night to let the public opinion ferment so that they can hit us in one blow tomorrow! Do you see the last two lines?"

 Li Qin responded to show that he had seen it. The last two messages were about the Zhuang family's Ming En Group and Ye Group!

 Zhuang Xian tapped on the computer keyboard and said, "The ones in front are all covering for these two! Their motive is to use me to smear the Zhuang family's name. Their methods are not simple. This was no ordinary gossip but a means of the business circle! I'm guessing there will be a lot of black material released in the future, so keep a close eye on it!"

 After hearing Zhuang Xian's analysis, Li Qin's heart turned cold, and goosebumps appeared on his hands.