Chapter 056. Full Assistance

 Zhuang Huai carefully observed the expression on Zhuang Xian's pretty little face; indeed, there was no sadness.

 "Don't read those things on the internet! Don't mind it; we're here for everything!" Zhuang Huai gave Zhuang Xian a concerned look and consoled her warmly.

 Lin En and Zhuang Ming also stopped what they were doing and looked at Zhuang Xian simultaneously.

 Zhuang Xian could feel the warm care and love from her family. She smiled and joked, "Do I look sad?"

 She broke into a bright smile as she spoke and continued, "Don't worry about me. I'm not surprised by how people look at me! They can't affect my mood, so don't worry." As she spoke, she looked at her family with comforting eyes.