Chapter 059. Be a Silly Boy

 When Lin En brought Zhuang Xian out of the house, they were coincidentally spotted by Zhuang Huai, who was coming out of the kitchen. He sized up his beautiful mother and sister and asked in confusion, "Are you going out? Where are you going?"

 Zhuang Xian looked at him with a smile and did not say anything. On the other hand, Lin En looked at her younger son carefully and suddenly suggested, "If you wear a mask, you can still follow us out."

 An hour later, at City H's International Mall.

 Zhuang Huai, who was clueless about what was happening, followed behind his mother and sister. He had a helpless expression on his face.

 He knew that nothing good would come out of following her. Wasn't he just dragged here by his mother to be a strong man?

 "Mother! Wait a moment." Zhuang Huai was wearing a mask, so his voice was a little muffled when he called out to Lin En.