Chapter 071. I Like You

Si Rong's clear, intelligent eyes had already seen through too many things. He smiled at Mo Qian and explained warmly, "Once, Xiang Nan and I saw a girl he liked on the street. Xiang Nan's expression at that time was the same as yours! Don't try to hide it from us. Tell us, do you already have someone you like? Uncle Mo told me you had an accident at the party a few days ago. A charming girl saved you. Is it that girl? Was she here just now?"

 Si Rong and Xiang Nan couldn't be blamed for being so excited about this!

 Mo Qian had been around for many years and had never had a woman or man by his side.

 Xiang Nan and Si Rong had never seen Mo Qian express feelings beyond friendship with friends. For many years, he had lived like an ascetic monk who didn't know how to love.

 He was such a person who was not close to the mortal world and was not tainted by the dust of the world. When he saw the girl just now, his eyes had joy.