Chapter 083. Dinner

 Seeing that his sister had nodded in agreement, Zhuang Huai and Mo Qian's tones became more relaxed. "It's already so late. My father and second brother should be back soon."

 Zhuang Huai looked at Mo Qian and politely said, "If President mo doesn't mind, why don't you stay and have a simple meal together?"

 Mo Qian had been waiting for this sentence. When he heard this, he raised his eyebrows without a change in expression and replied with a chuckle, "Then, I'll accept your invitation. I've been hearing Director Zhuang praise Zhuang Xian's cooking skills. I wonder if I'll have the good fortune to eat it today."

 Mo Xi stood behind his young master, a faint smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. Their young master was too accurate.

 Seeing that Zhuang Huai and Mo Qian had started chatting, Lin En pulled Zhuang Xian away with a dark expression.