Chapter 108. Dessert Master's Time

 Zhuang Ming reacted momentarily, feeling that he had said something wrong. However, when he saw Mo Qian's calm and relaxed expression, he threw this strange feeling back into his mind.

 Zhuang Xian came out of the e-Sports Zone after playing one round. Her little face was red, and she looked thrilled. Mo Qian handed her the drink in his hand and said softly, "Take a sip. You're hot."

 Zhuang Xian reached out to take it and thanked him. When she was about to turn around to look at her mother, Zhuang Ming was already holding her bag. He was helping her wipe her sweat and wringing a water bottle. He was highly attentive.

 Zhuang Xian and Xiang Nan didn't know what to say.

 "Sister Xian, your parents sure are close! We've had quite a lot of dog food today." Xiang Nan joked in a low voice.

 Zhuang Xian looked at him from the side and chuckled. "It'll be fine once you get used to it,"