Chapter 118. A Good Man

 Mo Xi looked at young master Xiang's confused eyes and explained with a smile, "His management company caught Lin Yi's studio and the Ma family off guard! His methods are indeed good, and he's very good at using force to fight force. He even used his face to deter the Ma family!"

 Xiang Nan nodded slightly as if he had understood something.

 Mo Qian looked at Xiang Nan with a faint smile and joked, "You can be an exception."

 "What?" Xiang Nan was stunned and asked.

 "You're an exception to the shrewd sons of aristocratic families." Mo Qian turned his wheelchair around, the corners of his mouth lifted into a smirk.

 Xiang Nan suddenly reacted and retorted loudly, "Brother Qian, why are you scolding me? You're bullying me again!"

 Mo Xi shook her head helplessly and chuckled. The young master was teasing young master Xiang Nan again.