Chapter 120. Overbearing Wealth

 Lily held the phone in her hand as if it were a precious treasure. She felt an inexplicable sense of happiness when she heard Zhuang Xian's breathing.

 "There have been many international cooking competitions recently. Do you want to join any of them? I'll help you arrange it." The Boss did not say anything, so Lily asked a probing question.

 Zhuang Xian was a little embarrassed because she had not had the time to read it. She opened the email, and after a few glances, she said, "There's no need to arrange the event for now! I don't have time lately. I'm calling you this time to ask you to add a few names to our blue Weibo membership!"

 Stunned, Lily replied, "Boss, you can send me a message for such a small matter. Why did you call me?"

 Zhuang Xian casually replied to Lily's email, saying, "I want it to be a 3S membership!"