Chapter 161. Smashing The Venue

Mo Xi's heart was beating wildly with excitement. The pair of eagle eyes behind the mask shone brightly at this moment. His brain, still considered clear, quickly locked on the keywords that could attract his attention in the host's long and cumbersome introduction.

 'Saint Valley Medicine',' genius pharmacist', 'green-robed saintess',' green-robed Buddha's hand pill', 'cure all the chronic diseases! Weren't these the things that the Mo family had been searching for? It turned out that they could be found so easily after going around in circles!

 Mo Xi licked his dry lips, his eyes staring straight at the Buddha's hand pill in an exquisite box on the exhibition stage.

 Yan Zuo didn't even need to turn his head to know that his little junior sister must be in a very speechless state right now. He looked at the host on the stage, who was shouting the start of the auction, and directly interrupted, "Hold on!"