Chapter 174. Seeking Advice

 Zhuang Xian looked at her father with a strange expression. Zhuang Ming pretended to be relaxed and said, "Your mother didn't sleep well last night. It's no big deal. I'll accompany her to catch up on sleep later,"

 Zhuang Xian was slightly stunned. She nodded and replied, "Oh, I see. Dad, don't you have to go to the office today?"

 Zhuang Ming sighed. "There's been negative public opinion about the Ye group again. I don't know who they've offended, but the media doesn't do anything serious all day. They keep thinking that Ming 'En has slandered the Ye group. Yesterday, they waited for me in the underground parking lot the entire day. When I got home from work, I was almost scared to death! I'm going to rest for the day. Second brother, you can help me with a meeting later."

 Zhuang Hang was speechless.

 Hearing this, Zhuang Xian furrowed her brows slightly and began to plan in her heart.