Chapter 181. Sealed Heart

Mo Qian looked at the silent Zhuang Xian, and his heart began to beat faster. Did he use too much force this time and have the opposite effect?

 Just as the three of them were silent and didn't know what to say, an Auntie came out of the kitchen and said to Mo Qian gently and respectfully, "Young master, it's already noon. When would you and your guest like to have lunch?"

 Upon hearing this, Mo Qian snapped back to his senses. Just as he was about to reply to the Auntie, he was interrupted by Zhuang Xian, who had a hurried tone and an extremely unnatural expression on her face.

"I'll be borrowing your bathroom. Thank you." As she spoke, she stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

 Mo Qian thought of getting someone to take her to the washroom, but her actions dispelled him.