Chapter 195. Sealed Loneliness

 In Yan Zuo's heart, Little Junior Sister was the best girl in the world, worthy of the best man in the world.

 Feeling as if his thoughts had drifted off, Yan Zuo came back to his senses. After a pause, he looked at Zhuang Xian and asked, "So, the reason mo Qian came to the auction that day was to find Saint Valley Medicine? No, that's not right! I should say that he came to find you, Qing Yi, to treat his legs, right? The one who has contracted this strange disease is Mo Qian, who has been in a wheelchair all this time, right?"

 Zhuang Xian knew she couldn't hide anything from her brilliant senior brother. After sighing, she nodded and said, "Yes, I owe him a favor, and I want to return it to him!"