Chapter 202. Wrap Party

 "Miss Fang!" Zhuang Huai said. My sister is interested! If it's possible, we can reach an oral agreement now! If you think it's convenient, you can let us have a look at the script brief first!"

 As he spoke, he smiled at Zhuang Xian, cleared his throat, and continued, "I can temporarily act as my sister's manager!"

 The director and Bai Ning watched from the side. They both felt it was exciting for Zhuang Huai to say these words with such a handsome and determined face.

 The scriptwriter excitedly looked at Zhuang Xian and Zhuang Huai and said, "Of course, you can. I can send you the script now.

 The director calmly reached out and stopped the excited scriptwriter from reaching for her bag. He smiled and said, "Alright, alright, no need to rush! His sister wouldn't run away! Let's go to the hotel to eat first. We can't be late for your sister's celebration party."