Chapter 209. Press Conference

They were dissatisfied with some of the ways Ye Zheng, the leader, did things. They felt that Ye Zheng lacked the courage to innovate. The contract with Ya Jing was a warning and declaration from them!

 If Ye Zheng couldn't develop a plan to revitalize Ye Group and promote Ye Group's decision-making, he would further break the trust of the entire board of directors. At that time, the consequences might not be something Ye Zheng could bear.

Helpless against Ye Xin's stubbornness Ye Zheng's brows were tightly knitted together. He sighed and thought with a tired heart if only Shen Min and I hadn't abandoned that child back then! In any case, it seemed like he, Ye Zheng, would never have a son. Having a daughter was also an additional choice and opportunity.