Chapter 223. Female Go Player

Zhuang Ming pointed at the Go arrangement in front of him and explained to Zhuang Xian, "I have a very important client who Mo Qian introduced. He's a Go fan from Country R!

 As Zhuang Ming spoke, he raised his hand and took a cup of water beside the chessboard. After taking a sip, he continued, "My client has been looking for a great female Go player in Z Country to be the spokesperson for his products. He has contacted many advertising companies but hasn't found a suitable one! Of course, Dad's collaboration with them isn't to help them find a spokesperson. This is just a way for us to express our sincerity to them.

If we can help them solve this urgent problem, everything else will be solved! They also pay and treat you very well. I see that you're very good at Go and meet their requirements. So if you're interested, can you help me with this little thing?"