Chapter 230. You Can Try it

How could their little actions escape Zhuang Xian's eyes?

 Zhuang Xian glanced at them out of the corner of her eye. When she turned back, her eyes under the brim of her hat had already become much colder. She said coldly, "Do you guys even understand the current situation?"

 Zhuang Xian laughed sarcastically when she saw that everyone had stopped talking. "Who told you that I have water in my bag? Did she have x-ray vision? Whether or not I have water in my bag is my business and my own things. I'm not willing to let you guys see or buy it! It's that simple!"

 These people did not understand what Zhuang Xian meant. They were confused by her words and lost their patience. They started to shout, "Who wants to see your bag? We want water!"