Chapter 257. Ye Xin and Zhuang Jie

To sum up, the things they had experienced all day were highly tragic! Some of them had sprains, some had fallen, and in the end, they were even chased or attacked by the wild boar in the mountains. It was as embarrassing as it could get!

 No matter how stupid a person was, they could still be intelligent and quick-witted for a moment. The thought that flashed through Zhuang Jie's mind was proper. The reason why they were so miserable and embarrassed was all because of Zhuang Xian's various schemes.

 Although Zhuang Jie was secretly happy that she had finally obtained an 'Ally' like Ye Xin, she didn't cherish this fleeting thought and allowed the correct clue to slip away from her thoughts.

 Seeing that Zhuang Jie was lost in her thoughts, Ye Xin reminded her softly, "I know what happened between the two of you, but now is not the time to talk! You can go back first; I'll think of a way to come and find you later."