Chapter 266. Dogs Biting Dogs

When Zhuang Jie and Ye Xin heard this, they stopped. When they turned around, they didn't take the initiative to help An Ye up. Instead, they stood in place and waited for An Ye to walk over to them with difficulty.

 Zhuang Jie looked at An Ye's slightly pale lips, and her face darkened. She handed her a bottle with one-third of the water left. "You didn't listen to me last night. Now, I don't have much water, to begin with, so I have to give you half of this. There are still seven to eight hours left until noon! We can't do without water. We have to think of a way to get some."

 An Ye quickly took the bottle of water as Zhuang Jie was talking. After unscrewing the cap, she drank it all in one go!

 Zhuang Jie didn't say anything, but her eyes' gloom deepened. If An Ye continued to pretend like this, the pressure on her would only increase. Her resources and physical strength were already minimal. She couldn't let An Ye exhaust her for no reason.