Chapter 278. I Want to Call The Police

Since An Ye dared to attack Zhuang Xian publicly, she must have been prepared to be Zhuang Xian's enemy!

 When Zhuang Xian heard Luo Fei's tone, she knew her plan was already half-successful.

 Just now, when she was 'dragged' down the slope by An Ye, many students had witnessed it with their own eyes. With such 'irrefutable evidence', An Ye would not be able to deny it!

 As long as she insisted that An Ye hated her and was dissatisfied with her, the scales would be completely tilted in her favor from the beginning!

 Zhuang Xian let out a sigh of relief. She thought about the trap she had set for An Ye this time and the 'strong medicine' she had given An Ye. It should be enough to destroy An Ye directly. Then, all her efforts to put up such a good show would not be in vain!