Chapter 282. The Seriousness of The Situation

When Li Zhen heard this, he nodded and did not say anything else. His eyes turned to Luo Fei and the doctor, who was a few steps away.

 Seeing that the doctor had finally started to examine An Ye's injuries, Luo Fei heaved a sigh of relief. He did not want An Ye to die in his hands. Five minutes passed, and Luo Fei looked up at the doctor and asked, "How's her condition?"

 The doctor took the stethoscope back into the first aid kit. He looked up at Luo Fei and said with a severe expression, "Her injuries are severe. She has multiple fractures all over her body. I suspect that there is also the possibility of internal bleeding. The most serious injury should be the impact on her waist! The methods I can use to treat her are minimal. To ensure this student's safety, I suggest we send her to the hospital immediately. We can't delay any longer!"