Chapter 292. She Can Endure it

 "An Ye dislocated her left arm when she rolled down the slope! The same goes for the cut on the left side of her face. I heard from the military doctor beside the old chief that there were a few bruises on her body! But fortunately, it wasn't too serious. An Ye was in a worse state than her!"

 Lei Cheng said slowly, not forgetting to push Mo Qian back.

 Mo Qian listened to him in silence, his tightly knitted brows filled with worry and heartache. However, Lei Cheng was walking behind him, and he could not see him. As for Zhuang Xian herself, she could not see him either.

"When I saw her just now, I didn't notice this problem. She acted as if she was normal." Mo Qian said in a deep voice, feeling a little sad.