Chapter 298. She is Sick

Mo Qian's placing his hand on Zhuang Xian's forehead seemed natural and appropriate. His eyes were filled with gentleness and affection.

 Zhuang Xian was a little shocked by Mo Qian's action. After a brief pause, she subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Mo Qian. Her big eyes were filled with confusion and questions!

 What was this man trying to do? The old man was still sitting opposite them, staring at them like a tiger watching its prey! Zhuang Xian's mind started to spin. She couldn't understand what Mo Qian was trying to do!

 "Her body temperature is right, and it doesn't burn to the touch. I don't think she's feverish."

 As Mo Qian spoke, he turned back to look at Mo Xi and the doctor beside him, who was still a few steps away and walking over. He ordered very naturally, "Take her temperature first. She probably just caught a cold and has tonsils inflammation."