Chapter 300. The An Family

 The An corporation's stocks had suddenly collapsed this morning!

 One stone caused a thousand ripples, and the business circle of City H immediately exploded. This kind of sudden appearance quickly aroused everyone's curiosity.

 Everyone was guessing what the reason was for the hundreds of millions of assets of the An family to vanish from the face of the earth!

 Some people said that the An family was targeted by a billionaire who bought all the shares with considerable money! Others noted that the An family had offended some mysterious figure who had found many experts who could play with the stock market and directly destroyed the An family's business blueprint!

 It was not the worst of it was just economic news and gossip. Mo Qian's blow to the An Corporation was fatal. Not only did he want the An Corporation to go bankrupt and become penniless, but he also wanted to destroy the An couple and An Ye's reputation!