Chapter 319. Can't Help it

 A person like Mo Qian, commonly known by girls as a 'hexagonal warrior' boyfriend, meant that he had no flaws from head to toe, perfect like a perfect person!

 As Zhuang Xian thought about this, she sighed deeply and said in a low voice, "Why are you so attentive to me? Why are you so nice to me?"

The corridors of the base were hushed at night. Zhuang Xian's words were like an intimate whisper to Mo Qian as he heard them. His relaxed and happy expression just a moment ago gradually froze.

 "This isn't the first time I've told you I like you, right?" As Mo Qian spoke, he smiled gently. When the smile reached his eyes, it wasn't enjoyable. "You can't hide your feelings for someone. I can't help but want to be good to you. I can't help it. I can't help it. I can't control it. "

 As Zhuang Xian listened to Mo Qian, she seemed to sigh softly.