Chapter 338. You Said Sorry

The students in Team B were originally from the same class in the sports department. When they formed teams of their own accord, they forced themselves into a few groups that were not too far apart. When Lei Zhou was on the secondary team, he did not seem to have intentionally separated them. That was why they were the strongest in their team!

 While Team B was still planning to recreate yesterday's victory, Zhuang Xian from Team A had already led Li Qin, Lin Feng, Zhang Yang, and another boy from their team with a lot of cross-country experience. The five of them had sneaked up to the right side of the hill of Team B.

 Li Qin had the most battle experience among the four boys, and his movements were the most agile. However, he still couldn't keep up with Zhuang Xian's pace, let alone the other three following behind them.

 The plan in Zhuang Xian's mind was apparent, and it was not very difficult to execute.