Chapter 347. The Real Gun

 Lin Feng, Zhang Yang, and the people behind them were all scared to death by the scene in front of them. They had never seen a real gun shooting people. They had only been running around the jungle with a simulated gun for the past two days!

 Zhuang Xian protected Li Qin and helped him up. They hid behind a tree a few meters away. She shouted at Lin Feng and Zhang Yang, "You guys should also quickly find a place to hide! This man dog seems to have gone crazy!"

 Lin Feng quickly regained his senses and pulled Zhang Yang and another party member to hide behind a tree trunk on their right.

 As for the students of Team B, they were so frightened by the actual gunshot that they were all screaming.

 This wasn't the momentum the simulated guns could produce in their hands!

"Hahaha! How was it now? Didn't I warn you not to go overboard? Please don't force me like this!