Chapter 369. Bootlicker

The girls around Zhuang Xian kept talking about her. They were a little upset and felt they were born of the wrong gender. Otherwise, they would have gone to Zhuang Xian and expressed their love for her!

 Who wouldn't be moved by such a beautiful and outstanding girl?

 Even though they admired and liked Zhuang Xian, they only dared to talk about her behind her back. A beauty was naturally pleasing to the eye and refreshing to the heart, but her aura made many people feel intimidated and not dare to approach her.

 Zhuang Jie, standing on the girls' left, was a little angry when she heard this. She mumbled softly, "Hmph! What good could Zhuang Xian be? She is just a flatterer! She just curried favor with the squad monitor, and now she's currying favor with these cooks. She's busy!"

 Her voice wasn't loud, but because she was standing too close, her words fell into the ears of the people around her.