Chapter 375. A Broken Nose

 Luo Fei's eyes widened in shock as he looked at Zhuang Jie's red face and the wound in the middle of her nose, which was broken and bleeding.

 His mind went blank for a few seconds before he shouted, "Who brought a towel and handkerchief? Quickly bring it over and help her stop the bleeding!"

 After Luo Fei finished shouting, the crowd was silent for at least ten seconds. Then, a boy handed him a gray towel trembling hands.

 The boy used this towel to wipe his sweat. He had given it to Zhuang Jie on his own accord. This was already a subconscious reaction after being scared silly.

 The others behind them did not see Zhuang Jie's injuries. When they heard the squad monitor's request, they looked at the handkerchiefs or towels they were wearing, then at the Zhuang Jie in Luo Fei's hand. They pouted and felt a little unhappy.

 They were indeed not willing to let Zhuang Jie use their things.