Chapter 420. Lin Feng's Confession

 When Zhuang Xian walked out of the infirmary, she immediately saw Lin Feng at the bottom of the stairs. She walked over to him with some confusion. Seeing that he seemed to be in a daze, she asked softly, "What are you doing in the infirmary? I don't think you've been injured these past two days. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

 Lin Feng was startled by the voice behind him. He turned his head and saw that it was Zhuang Xian. He seemed to be even more nervous.

 He subconsciously pursed his lips and replied, "I'm not injured, and I'm not feeling unwell. I followed you here on purpose. I'm waiting for you!"

 Zhuang Xian looked at him in confusion and asked softly, "What for?"

 "I ... I have something to tell you!" Lin Feng raised his head slightly and looked at Zhuang Xian, who was two steps ahead of him. His tone was serious and tense.

 Zhuang Xian looked at Lin Feng and fell silent. After half a minute, she asked again, "What do you want to say?"