Chapter 431. Zhuang Bai and Mo Ye

However, instead of Zhuang Xian, Mo Qian met with young master Zhuang, who had been 'escorted' here by Mo Ye!

 Zhuang Bai helplessly listened to Mo Ye's long-winded chatter. He felt that this woman was amiable and would not be awkward when she chatted with him. She should be someone from their business circle.

 However, just like Zhuang Xian, Zhuang Bai had never met Mo Ye before, so he did not know Mo Ye's true identity.

 Fortunately, Zhuang Bai had always been a very tolerant and gentle gentleman to women.

 Especially for a beautiful and generous woman like Mo Ye, the entanglement couldn't be considered an entanglement. It could only be regarded as a new encounter!

 In young Master Zhuang's heart, it had always been like this.

 He would be very grateful for today's sudden inspiration. This finally allowed him to meet the lover he had missed in his past life!