Chapter 494. Decline And Rejection

However, Ye Zheng was not someone who would give up easily. He thought that it was because his lobbying and proposed conditions could not satisfy Ya Qing and that Ya Qing was trying to use the excuse of shirking and raising the price. Therefore, after a long silence, he brought up the old matter again and even raised the price in an attempt to move Ya Qing.

 However, looking at Ya Qing's attitude, Ye Zheng understood what was happening. His face darkened, and he suppressed the disdain and anger in his heart. He started to look at the stage uneasily.

 Ye zheng was planning in his heart. It didn't matter if his persuasion failed this time. He would go back and think of a solution. It was better not to make things too stiff for now. He couldn't offend Ya Qing, either. This would be inconvenient for his future work and plans.