Chapter 499. Xiao Ting's Purpose

Zhuang Hang was confused by Xiao Ting's explanation. Confused, he asked, "Since you want Mo Qian's help, why did you make things difficult for him just now? It's already very generous of him not to bear a grudge against you for bidding with such malicious intent. Do you think Mo Qian will still agree to your request if you do this? Aren't you messing around? Director Xiao, what are you thinking?"

 Zhuang Hang wasn't the only one who was confused. Even Zhuang Bai, who had been silent the entire time, was also confused.

 He looked at Bureau Chief Xiao curiously and thought for a while before asking, "Director Xiao, you don't think that you'll have a chance to talk to Mo Qian in detail just because you got the ghost hand Lotus, do you? Or do you think that after you bid for this ghost hand Lotus, you can grasp Mo Qian's 'weak spot' and make him obediently agree to your so-called project request?"