Chapter 501. Making up For The Difference

 When Zheng Kai and Wan Jun heard this, they nodded respectfully, indicating they understood.

 "I understand, Mr. Zhuang; I know what to do!" Zheng Kai said.

 As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something and continued with a chuckle, "If we had known earlier that Mr. Zhuang was also looking for the ghost hand Lotus, I would have left it to you directly, and you wouldn't have to go through so much trouble to bid for it!"

 "We've asked a professional to estimate the value of the ghost hand Lotus, and the highest bid for it should be 8 million. I will return the portion that Xiao Ting bid maliciously in my name to you; please don't refuse! You've already helped our research Institute a lot. This time, we won't let you suffer such a loss."