Chapter 506. Let go

Upon hearing this, Mo Qian stopped what he was doing. He looked up at Xiao Ting and asked in a low voice, "Chase? How much of a rush could it be? Food has to be eaten bite by bite, and things naturally have to be completed step by step. What's the use of being anxious? It's already so late. How do you want me to look at this letter of intent? What time will your people from the recruitment department arrive tomorrow? We'll talk about it at the company! Let's end this matter here today."

 As Mo Qian spoke, he seemed to have thought of something and continued, "Oh, by the way, there's one more thing I need to tell you, Director Xiao! In the future, if you encounter such a big problem again, please come over openly. I don't have such a good temper every time."

 Although Mo Qian's tone was impolite, Xiao Ting's heart was finally relieved.