Chapter 517. Sit Back Down And Don't Move

 "Sit back down! Don't move."

 When Mo Qian heard Zhuang Xian's words, his hands suddenly stopped moving.

 With just this short sentence, Mo Qian had already successfully distinguished that the agent in front of him, covered from head to toe in a combat uniform, was the person he had been thinking about day and night.

 Seeing that the man had obediently been pushed back into the wheelchair, Zhuang Xian bent down and half-squatted in front of him. She held the submachine gun in her hand and poured out her anger!

 The assassins who had just charged forward to kill Mo Qian were stunned by Zhuang Xian's attack!

 The agents of the gate of death were not ordinary police officers. They were armed with the most advanced firearms.