Chapter 537. Press Conference

 Fang Dong gently took a sip of tea. As he listened to Tian Zhen's nagging, his brows furrowed like a bulging mountain. He sighed deeply and only replied after a long while, "Today's accident is so severe because our government is responsible! Understandably, the people's reaction would be so intense and dissatisfied!

 Now, it's not just about whether you can continue to mingle in the political world with dignity. What we should consider more is how to solve these problems at hand! As the mayor of City H, I believe you should understand better than me how important public opinion is!"

 Fang Dong said in a deep voice, his hand slowly putting down the teacup.

 He glanced at Tian Zhen, who had fallen silent in front of the table and softened his tone. He continued, "So my suggestion is that we should try to listen to most people's opinions before the situation reaches its worst. Do you understand what I mean?"