Chapter 556. Zhuang Xian's Concerns

  Zhuang Xian had already imagined that after everything was settled, she would welcome and accept Mo Qian's sincere and passionate love with a new self!

 Unlike now, where her hands were stained with filth and blood, her heart was filled with schemes and darkness, and her mind was filled with only hatred as she lived in this world.

 Zhuang Xian felt that, at this moment, she was not worthy of Mo Qian's love!

 Before this, Zhuang Xian did not feel anything was wrong with her condition. However, that was before she shared her feelings with Mo Qian. Now, it was completely different. Zhuang Xian was no longer the evil person who did not care about her safety and only wanted revenge. She had other things she wanted!

 Thinking about all these messy things, Zhuang Xian's heart became even more conflicted and depressed.

 She knew that now was not the time. She still could not openly respond to Mo Qian's feelings.