Chapter 564. Zhuang Xian is Guilty

 Zhuang Xian looked at Mo Qian in front of her. This person's face was filled with the expression that he could not be rejected. She took a deep breath and decided to give up. She pretended to be dead in silence.

 She retracted her gaze from Mo Qian, and her fingers subconsciously knocked on the bed she was sitting on. She was so obedient that it was as if she had been possessed.

 At least in the eyes of Li Qin and Lei Cheng, this was indeed the case.

 Not only had Lei Cheng never seen such a quiet and obedient Zhuang Xian, but even Li Qin, Zhuang Xian's best friend, had also never seen such an easygoing Zhuang Xian.

 Li Qin felt that he had seen a ghost today!

 Lei Cheng turned his body sideways and looked at Mo Qian, then at Zhuang Xian. He shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "Alright! As long as your Eldest Young Master is happy, anything is fine! So this is how it should be handled, right? Can I go now?"