Chapter 576. Conspiracy

 As Lin En spoke, her face showed she wanted to share the same hatred as Mo Qian. Seeing that Mo Qian seemed to be a little distracted, she tilted her head to look at Mo Qian and continued, "Tian Zhen has indeed gone too far this time! It's no secret that the Doug consortium came to City H to invest in the arms trade. The officials kept it a secret because they were worried that the local companies in City H would be afraid of the underworld forces behind the Doug consortium and not dare to cooperate with Doug. They were afraid of scaring off local partners like us!"

 When Mo Qian heard Lin En's opinion, he immediately retracted his idea of splitting up. He looked at Lin En in surprise, his eyes revealing some admiration. He did not expect Lin En to be able to see through this matter so thoroughly. She was not much worse than Zhuang Ming.