Chapter 602. Zhuang Xian VS Female Assassin

 Zhuang Bai and Zhuang Hang surrounded the three of them behind them. They used their bodies as a barrier, providing the only relatively safe protection in the room.

 Zhuang Bai stood at the front and raised his hand to protect Lin En. He looked worriedly at Zhuang Xian, the closest to the fight. He called out anxiously, "Xian'er, come over quickly! Don't get too close to them!"

 Zhuang Ming put down the phone in his hand and looked up. Just as Zhuang Bai was still worried about Zhuang Xian and wanted to pull her over, the female assassin had already broken free from the bodyguards. She held a sharp dagger and was already charging at Zhuang Xian.

 Zhuang Bai did not know how powerful Zhuang Xian's martial arts were. He watched as the female assassin rushed toward his sister. He felt his heart suddenly stop. His eyes widened as he shouted sternly, "Xian 'er, be careful! Get out of the way!"